Finding Chase Massner Episode 6: You called, we answered

Listen to the Q&A podcast HERE!

In this special episode of the “Finding Chase Massner” podcast series, we answered callers’ most pertinent questions, in an attempt to help solve the mystery of his disappearance.

Authorities have no suspects yet, but Massner’s disappearance was labeled as “suspicious” after he left no trails behind, not even a single bank transaction or a single call on his cellphone. Massner, a veteran, father, husband, and son, disappeared into thin air on March 27, 2014, and no one seems to know where is. Supposedly, his friend Brad Clement was the last one to see Massner the day he vanished, at least that we know of.

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Friends and family gathered in March for a vigil, for missing veteran, Chase Massner. [Photo: Sherry Dunn]

What happened to Chase and what happened to his phone? Where are his two little girls now? Is his wife, Amanda Massner, willing to take a lie detector? Is Brad Clement willing to take a lie detector test? Why are Brad’s stories always inconsistent? These are among a few of the many questions that concerned citizens are seeking answer for.

Listen to our latest “Crime Stories” podcast, while Nancy Grace and team tackle some serious issues surrounding the Massner case.

[Feature Photo: Team Chase]