Weis Supermarket massacre victim’s family needs your help! Desert Storm vet’s death robs family of father, husband

When a Randy Stair blocked the exits at Weis Supermarket in northeast Pennsylvania and opened fire on employees, he robbed a 7-year-old girl of her father and a wife of her husband. Brian Hayes, 47, was killed along with coworkers Terry Sterling, 63, and Victoria Brong, 26. Stair, 24, then killed himself.

“There is a sweet little 7-year-old girl that has to go to bed tonight without the warmth and strength of her Daddy holding her close,” Becki Hayes, Hayes’s sister in law wrote on a GoFundMe page. “A wife will never feel the touch of her husband again and a father has to do the unspeakable and bury his own child.”

The GoFundMe campaign is seeking $10,000 to pay for immediate expenses.


Hayes was a U.S. Navy veteran who served aboard the USS Eisenhower during in the Desert Storm war.

“Brian was a quiet guy and a man of few words but he had a heart of gold,” Becki Hayes said. “He loved his wife Tina and their daughter Caitlin tremendously.”

She talks to Nancy Grace in this “Crime Stories” episode.


Also Read: Family of heroic veteran killed in gruesome grocery store shooting massacre needs YOUR help!

Nancy also discusses the Bill Cosby trial jury deliberations with Atlanta lawyer Randy Kessler.

[Feature Photo: Family Handout]