Exclusive: Nephew Trent Jackson responds to charges he abused Michael Jackson’s mom

Trent Jackson insisted in an exclusive interview with Nancy Grace that he never abused Michael Jackson’s elderly mother Katherine Jackson. Katherine Jackson’s nephew and caretaker blasted several of the pop icon’s siblings for plotting to gain control of their mom’s money by ousting him from the job Michael Jackson gave him 15 years ago.

Trent Jackson chose “Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” as the place to publicly respond to the serious allegations made in a request for a temporary restraining order filed on Katherine Jackson’s behalf.

The complaint called Trent Jackson an “abusive con-man.” It accused the nephew of keeping other family members away by “screening phone calls, not relaying messages, not allowing privacy during visits or phone calls.” A Los Angeles judge granted the TRO. which orders Trent Jackson to leave Katherine Jackson’s Calabasas home where he lives and works. A hearing is set for March 1.


He told Grace that he’s not he’s not budging since he contends he’s not been legally served with the order — and he does not believe his aunt even knows about it.

Katherine Jackson left California on January 22 on a flight to London for a visit with daughter Janet Jackson and her new baby. Trent Jackson told Grace that Katherine planned to return in “a few days,” but the trip has stretched to nearly three weeks without a phone call to Trent or her grandchildren, he said.

“It’s mighty funny how when she got to London — which I told her not to go, which Paris told her not to go — and when she got over there, we haven’t heard from her since she left,” Trent Jackson said. “And it seems to me that someone is over there putting all these things together to go after me to control my aunt.”


“We’re all puzzled about why we can’t contact her and talk to her,” he said.

Katherine Jackson did called TJ Jackson, a grandson who is co-guardian of Blanket Jackson. She relayed a message that Trent was fired, but TJ told him it didn’t sound genuine, Trent Jackson said. “I am sure that Mrs. Jackson doesn’t know that all this stuff is going on over her head.”

This is not the first time several of the Jackson siblings have tried to oust Trent Jackson by taking their mother away and isolating her, Trent Jackson said. He points to July 2012, when he filed a “missing person’s report” with the Los Angeles County sheriff. Katherine Jackson went away to a resort in Tucson, Arizona and kept out of communications with her grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket.


When she returned home after two weeks, she signed a sworn statement saying she was tricked into flying to Arizona instead of a planned visit to New Mexico, according to court documents. She said her cell phone and iPad were taken from her and the TV and phone in the room at the resort where she was taken were disabled. This kept her from calling home or knowing about the very public controversy over her disappearance.

Joy Bass, the Los Angeles lawyer who filed the request for the current TRO, did not immediately respond to Crime Online requests for comment on Trent Jackson’s statements to Grace.

The filing also alleges that Trent Jackson kidnapped his aunt. It’s a charge the nephew laughed at. “Kidnapping her means that I have to live somewhere else to kidnap her, I mean, we all live in the same house so how can I kidnap her, It’s kind of strange.”


“If there was a case and they had something against me, It seems like by now I would be put in jail, at least arrested or something,” he said.

He also denied the allegation that he isolated Mrs. Jackson by preventing her adult children from visiting her. “How can I keep her from seeing her family when they come here everyday? Rebbie comes there every day, Jermaine comes there all the time, LaToya comes to pick her up.”

Trent Jackson responded to the charge that he stole money from Katherine Jackson’s bank accounts by suggesting an audit of her finances would reveal it’s not him taking her money. “When you look at those bank statements, you’re going to see whose really manipulating her with her money and it’s not me,”


Trent Jackson said he was hired in 2002 by cousin Michael Jackson to drive the Jackson family matriarch and take care of her because he didn’t trust his own siblings. “Some family members are still unhappy about the situation Michael made,” by not including them in his will,” he said. “They can benefit form this some kind of way.”

[Feature Photo: AP/Jeff Widerner, file]