High school METH class 101: Teacher educates high school class on how to cook meth

Instructions on how to inject the drug were included in the lesson

An 8th grade teacher in Ontario has been suspended without pay after giving students a handout with instructions on how to cook crystal meth, reports CBC News.

Delight Greenidge told the newspaper she “popped a blood vessel” after her 13-year-old son came home with an instruction sheet showing how to cook crystal meth, along with a long list of ingredients required.

The instructions also included directions on how to inject the drug:

Give your arms a wipe with alcohol wipes (what I use) or use a wet wipe, to prevent any bacteria infection.

Greenridge said her son told her his drama teacher gave him the instructions so he and his classmates could act it out in a skit. She also said the teacher told the students to “act scared” when they were making the drug and to “act happy” when injecting it.


“It’s mind-boggling,” Greenridge said. “It could undo a lot of what I taught him because sometimes he would think the things the teacher says are sometimes more important than the things mum says.”

Carla Pereira, communications manager for the school board said they believed the teacher got the instructions from the internet. “I can’t speak to [the teacher’s] rationale for doing that,” Pereira said. “We share the parents’ concerns around that particular assignment.”

She told Gizmodo that the incident was “shocking and inappropriate.”


The investigation is ongoing but the school board said details would probably not be released to the public because it’s a “personnel issue.”