Lovin it? Florida woman traded sex for Chicken McNuggets, say police

A Florida woman is facing prostitution charges after she allegedly charged $25 and Chicken McNuggets for oral sex.

According to the Bradenton Herald, Alex DiReeno, 22, of Bredenton, allegedly solicited her services to an undercover officer at a Marathon gas station on Tuesday night. While in the car, the man said he wanted oral sex and was willing to pay $25. After a brief negotiation, the 22-year-old ultimately settled with performing oral sex for $25 and Chicken McNuggets. It’s unclear how many nuggets were involved in the arrangement.

After showing her that he had cash, the detective drove to a nearby “take-down location” where other Manatee County Special Investigative Division officers placed DiReeno into custody, according to a court filing obtained by The Smoking Gun.

“A search of Ms. DiReeno’s purse found two hypodermic needles, several small plastic bags, a spoon, and a burnt glass pipe. All items are instruments of narcotics use; specifically, heroin and crack cocaine consumption,” The Smoking Gun reported.


DiReeno, who WWSB reports is homeless, was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia in connection with the sting. She was booked into Manatee County Jail on a $500 bond for the drug paraphernalia charge and a $120 bond for the prostitution charge, according to WNCN. It’s unknown whether the 22-year-old has an attorney.

According to The Smoking Gun, this isn’t DiReeno’s first brush with the law. Just last month, the 22-year-old was sentenced to three years probation after pleading guilty to auto theft and possession of drug paraphernalia.



[Featured Image: Manatee County Sheriff’s Office (MSOC)]