How Ariana Grande concert massacre perp slipped through the cracks to commit mass murder

Salman Abedi was on the radar of anti-terror cops, but he was still able to kill 22 people and wound dozens more at an Ariana Grande concert in England with a suicide bomb. His victims were mostly young girls who packed into the 21,000-seat coliseum in Manchester, England, to hear the pop idol, the youngest was just eight.

British media are reporting that Abedi, 22, had just returned from a visit to Libya, the failed state that has become a hotbed for ISIS terrorists. Although he was born in England, his parents are refugees from the northern African country. His father claims the suicide was “normal” and that his family does not “believe in killing innocents. This is not us.”

Brian Levin, Director of Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, tells Nancy Grace in this “Crime Stories” episode that even though there may have been warning signs that Abedi was becoming radicalized it takes a lot of manpower to track every potential terrorist.


“There are so many people in Britain who are radicalized that, relative to the resources they have, that they made a judgment call that turned out to be fatally wrong.”

Levin says immigrants from Muslim countries do not blend in to European society as well as they do in the United States. Still, Levin expects the United States will itself suffer another major terror attack.

[Feature Photo: Police Handout]