Wednesday Crime Stories: Newborn disappears from crib, Maddie McCann update & new clues in cough med killer case

A 2-week-old infant disappeared from her crib in an Atlanta suburb, triggering a search that ended with the discovery of Caliyah McNabb’s tiny remains in a duffle bag in woods near the family’s home. Nancy Grace looks at the case with Miami psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Bober, radio talk show host David Mack,forensic’s expert Joseph Scott Morgan and child advocate lawyer Ashley Willcott.

Also read: Cause of death revealed in baby found dead in woods

Nancy and her experts update the latest in the decade-long mystery of missing Madeleine McCann. Investigators have gotten money added to their budget to follow a new lead in Maddie’s disappearance.


Also read: Is the search for Madeleine McCann over?

Court documents give new clues in the case of the would-be pastor who claims he stabbed his new wife to death n his sleep because of a cough medicine overdose. This unusual case is the third topic in this Crime Stories episode.

Also read: ‘There is evil in my head’: Alleged cough medicine killer’s social media life revealed


“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” is now a national radio show, heard on SiriusXM’s Triumph Channel 132, five times a day. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iTunes and Google Play.

[Feature Photo: Newton County Sheriff’s Office/Handout]