Corey Feldman on Santa Barbara detectives: ‘They tried to frame Michael Jackson to bury my story’

Corey Feldman made another appearance on Dr. Oz on Monday, amid news that the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office admitted to finding a lost 1993 audio tape in which the actor told detectives he was molested as a child.

Feldman, 46, has been pushing for awareness of Hollywood pedophilia for numerous years, but apparently feels as if nothing is being done to help. Not only did he tell Dr. Oz that Santa Barbara detectives blew him off when he named his alleged predators, he also feels that authorities tried to bury his story in an attempt to frame the late pop superstar, Michael Jackson.

“You want to know what I really think? They were trying to frame Michael Jackson and burying the Corey Feldman story” Feldman told Dr. Oz.

Feldman was referring to his interview with Santa Barbara detectives who questioned him about the allegations against Jackson. The King of Pop was being investigated on molestation accusations, but Feldman clearly told the detectives that he was never molested by Jackson, but instead, a man named Jon Grisom. Since the detectives brought up Grisom’s name first, (a bit part actor who once worked as Feldman’s manager) Feldman thought that authorities were surely going to investigate Grisom.


The investigation never happened.

“They weren’t interested in Jon Grissom…I’ve spent my entire life battling this, but no one has ever listened. No one is listening now. [The] LAPD is still not investigating it.”

Although the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office confirmed they indeed did find Feldman’s lost interview tape and turned it over to the LAPD, the actor said he would not feel vindicated until the people who molested him actually face justice, the people who allegedly molested his friend, Corey Haim, faced justice, and until Michael Jackson was completely cleared of the molestation rumors against him.

“Not yet. Vindication will come when my best friend’s (Corey Haim) perpetrators are behind bars, my perpetrators are behind bars.”

The investigation still continues. Check back with CrimeOnline for additional details.


[Feature Photo: Corey Feldman/Dr. Oz/YouTube]