Wednesday Crime Stories: Yoga star eyed in horrific death of identical twin sister

Alexandria Duval is on trial in Hawaii for a manslaughter charge in the 2016 death of her twin sister Anastasia. Prosecutors say the yoga instructor intentional drove her car off a cliff. Nancy Grace goes over the evidence with Cold Case Research Institute director Sheryll McCollum, Los Angeles psycho-analyst Dr. Bethany Marshall, and Crime Stories contributing reporter Scott Kimbler.

Also read: Yoga twin on trial for murder posed as dead sister days after SUV crash; hit on her boyfriend: Report

Nancy and friends also look at the case against Martin Christian Ehrke, a 49-year-old California man arrested on suspicion of homicide after the bodies of two women were found on his almond farm. One of the bodies was found in a freezer, police said.


Also read: Man kills two women on family farm, stashes one body in a freezer and dumps the other in a pond: Cops

“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” is now a national radio show, heard on SiriusXM’s Triumph Channel 132, five times a day. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iTunes and Google Play.

[Feature Photo: Alexandria and Anastasia Duval/Handout]