A total of four young children are expected to face criminal charges after school officials determined they had compiled a “hit list” featuring enemies at two Ohio schools they allegedly targeted for a violent attack.
According to WJW, a 10-year-old girl at Franklin Elementary School also brought a large knife with her in a backpack as an apparent part of the plot.
The teacher who reported the knife said another student spoke up to implicate a classmate in helping the girl draft the list of people they allegedly hoped to “stab to death.”
Elyria Police Captian Christopher Costantino said that the young suspect “not only talked about it but brought in something to follow through with her threat.”
Though the girl allegedly threw the note in the trash, a janitor recovered it and alerted authorities.
At nearby Eastern Heights Middle School, another student was arrested on suspicion of making similar threats.
A teacher at that school allegedly heard someone ask the 12-year-old to share “the list of people that you want to kill.”
Constantino said the arrests are meant to send a message that “we will not tolerate any type of threats” by students against anyone at school.
“Each one of these students was charged with aggravated menacing and making terrorist threats and taken to the juvenile home,” he said.
These incidents came days after a 14-year-old girl at Eastern Heights Middle School allegedly threatened to “shoot up the school.”
[Featured image: WJW, video screenshot]