Heroes! Twin boys team up to save toddler girl from drowning in hotel pool: Report

Two Ohio brothers are being hailed as heroes for spotting a 3-year-old drowning in a pool and—without the help of adults—jumping into action to save her.

WTOL reported that Peyton and Bryant Switzer, 6, were on a family trip in Orlando, Florida, when the incident occurred. The Sentinel-Tribune reported that the girl’s mother was getting other children ready to leave the hotel pool when she got away and jumped into the water.

The twins’ stepfather, D.J. Deiter, recalled how the little girl “walked into the pool and sank to the bottom like a stone.”

Deiter said Peyton brought the girl to the surface while Bryant helped get her to a ladder and out the pool. The twins told WTOL that they could tell the girl was drowning by the way her head kept going underwater.


The parents credited swim lessons and safety classes with their sons’ life-saving skills.

“You know it’s very rewarding to know that some of the things they are involved with just became an instinct to them,” their father said.

The Ohio State House of Representatives recently surprised the boys with an award after their swim lessons at a Bowling Green City Pool.


“You are certainly to be commended for your courage,” the certificate presented by Representative Theresa Gavarone read. “At a time when many people are content to take a passive role in life, you took an active role in helping a fellow citizen, and you have earned the gratitude of the young girl and her family.”

[Featured Image: Bryant and Peyton Switzer/WTOL]