An “Inside Edition” film crew in California reportedly had thousands of dollars worth of equipment stolen from their vehicle while they shot a series on “smash and grabs” occurring throughout the San Francisco Bay area.
In the segment, Reporter Lisa Guerrero explains how the crew is using a car outfitted with surveillance cameras to catch people breaking in to steal a Michael Kors purse and $250 speaker, both equipped with GPS trackers. The segment shows a young man and woman inspect the vehicle before the man uses a glass puncher to break out a window and retrieve the two items.
Guerrero is seen using her phone to locate the location of the purse and speaker, before catching up with the pair as they entered the subway station. The pair appears to split as Guerrero confronts the man, who pushes the cameras away on several occasions. She continues to berate the man, leading him to put the speaker on the ground and leave the subway station in a huff.
The reporter went on to check where the purse was located, only to find it discarded in a nearby trashcan.
“Inside Edition” also spoke with a man whose own surveillance cameras captured the ordeal. After the interview, the crew learned they’ve been the victims of an actual smash and grab. Footage shows an unknown car drive up to the vehicle before someone breaks the windows and takes equipment which Guerrero said was worth thousands.
[Featured image: Inside Edition/Youtube video screengrab]