Prostitute steals off-duty officer’s car & gun as he gets money to pay her: Reports

‘You’ve got to be f**king kidding me,’ the disgraced cop’s dad was reportedly heard telling him inside their home

An off-duty officer in New York City was suspended after he allegedly hired a prostitute who ended up stealing his vehicle and weapon.

The New York Daily News reported that officer Ali Sheppard, 38, picked up Laquanna Lawton, 20, in Brownsville at around midnight on Tuesday. Sheppard reportedly left Lawton in his Jeep as he went to an ATM to get money while en route to an East New York hotel.

It was then when Lawton—who the New York Post said goes by “Unique”—allegedly drove off. The officer of 13 years reported the Jeep missing, telling authorities that the pistol was located inside the stolen car, according to the newspaper.

Lawton was arrested early Wednesday. Sources went on to tell the Daily News that the car was recovered but the gun remains unaccounted for.


“He was immediately suspended,” NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill told the Daily News. “He’ll be facing some disciplinary charges. We are working on the investigation.”

The New York Post reported that Shepard’s father was heard telling the shamed officer, “You’ve got to be f**king kidding me,” inside the Brownsville home they share. He claimed Sheppard left to go to the “clinic” and hinted that the police department would provide his son with some form of help.

The father told reporters, “I’ve never known anything like this to happen to him. He’s a good kid.”


[Featured image: Laquanna Lawton, Ali Sheppard/Deputy Commissioner, Public Information]