Nikolas Cruz had trespassed at Parkland high school, posing as student, months before deadly shooting

Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had trespassed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School six months before he returned in February, allegedly fatally shooting 17 people and injuring 17 more.

The Sun Sentinel obtained new records of witness statements from the Florida school shooting investigation showing that when Nikolas Cruz showed up to the Parkland high school on Valentine’s Day 2018, it wasn’t the first time he had trespassed at the high school that he had been forced to leave a year before.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas science teacher Sandra Rennie reportedly gave a statement that she had seen Cruz on campus on the first day of school in August 2017, behaving as though he were a matriculating student.

‘I was like oh Nik, you’re back, and he’s like: ‘Yeah I’m back,’ and I was like okay well good to have you back,” Rennie reportedly said.

In a subsequent interview with the Sun Sentinel, the teacher said that she informed an administrator of her interaction with Cruz and asked to confirm that he was on a class roster. He was not.

At that time, the administrator is believed to have escorted Cruz from school property without incident. There is no indication he was armed on that occasion.

On February 14, Crux hailed an Uber ride to the school and carried a duffel bag containing an AR-15 past a security guard and gained entry to the school. He allegedly opened fire in a campus building where classroom were in progress, killing 17 people in one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history.

Rennie, the science teacher, told the Sun Sentinel that she wasn’t shocked to learn Cruz was the perpetrator.

“I just felt like he was one of these kids that would just do something just to see what it was like to do it,” she said.


[Feature image: Mike Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP, Pool]