Sonic Drive-In staff stashes ecstasy pill in kid’s meal served to 4-year-old boy: Cops

Authorities in Texas say a trio of fast food workers were behind bars after a customer reported finding an illegal narcotic wrapped up in a child’s hamburger.

An 11-year-old girl reportedly unwrapped her younger brother’s meal after their family left a Sonic Drive-In location in the Austin area on Thursday.

Their parents took the tainted burger to a police station in Taylor, according to Fox News.

After the pill tested positive for ecstasy, authorities began an investigation into the discovery and identified a manager, 30-year-old Tanisha Dancer, as well as two employees, 35-year-old Jonathan Roberson and 22-year-old Jose Molina, as suspects.


When investigators arrived at the Sonic location the following day, they reportedly found three ecstasy pills in Dancer’s possession. In addition to her arrest on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance, police say she also had an outstanding parole violation warrant originating in Guadalupe County.

Molina was taken into custody and is expected to face criminal counts including possession of marijuana.

Police say Roberson had four outstanding warrants in Travis County and was arrested in connection with those.


According to KTBC, three misdemeanor warrants had been issued for theft by check, driving with invalid license and failure to appear. He also faces a bond forfeiture out of Brownwood.

As of the latest updates available, officials within the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office indicated additional charges against the three suspects could result from an ongoing investigation into the kid’s meal discovery last week.

[Featured image: Tanisha Dancer, Jonathan Roberson, Jose Molina/Williamson County Jail]