Monday Crime Stories: Teen girl goes on high school trip, never seen alive again. Mom and Dad devastated. Natalee Holloway, NEW developments

It’s been nearly 15 years since Natalee Holloway disappeared while on a trip with classmates to Aruba. Although the case remains unsolved, her family has never given up. Can new developments lead to her whereabouts?

Joining Nancy Grace to discuss:

  • Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq: International Law Expert, author of “Deep State Defector I, II & III”
  • Steven Lampley: Former Detective & author of “Outside Your Door”
  • Dr. Bethany Marshall: Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills
  • Karen Smith: Forensics Expert, Bare Bones Consulting
  • Anne Emerson: WCIV ABC 4 Charleston reporter

“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. ET and around the country on local radio stations. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at Apple Podcasts and Google Play.

[Feature Photo: Natalee Holloway/Handout]