‘Don’t be a victim!’ – Coronavirus bringing out ‘the best’ and ‘the worst’: Nancy Grace

CrimeOnline’s Nancy Grace takes on the coronavirus and those who would take advantage of it to scam the unsuspecting in the latest episode of Crime Stories on Fox Nation.

“Online scams, jacking up the prices of Purell to $48 a bottle, people losing money, Jim Bakker, the televangelist on TV, offering a cure for coronavirus and people spending their hard earned money on it. What is going on?” Grace said.

Guests on the show explained that “silver solution” hawked by Bakker — who spent time in prison for fraud — was more likely to cause internal organ damage and definitely wouldn’t cure COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus spreading around the globe.

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“This is actually something that we call a heavy metal,” said medical examiner Dr. Michelle Dupre.  “And there is no use for this in the body … too much of it is damaging to many of your internal organs … Your skin turns blue. Your hands, your face, your whole body.”

Grace also discussed email scams that look like official inquiries and try to get unsuspecting people to click harmful links or give up personal information. “Very often the scams look like an official notice,” warned Grace. “I got one from American Express. It looked just like American Express.”


Grace also tackled the Tennessee brothers who bought up thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer in Tennessee and Kentucky, often clearing out stocks in areas where residents sorely needed the items. Tennessee’s attorney general stepped in and halted the Colvin Brothers’s lucrative sales online, where they sold the bottles from $8 to $70 each.

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[Featured image: Screenshot from video]