HEAR IT: Emergency scanner audio from night Summer Wells was reported missing

A Tennessee news outlet has obtained emergency scanner audio from the day Summer Wells was reported missing.

The parents of 5-year-old Summer Wells reported her missing from her Hawkins County home on the evening of June 15. There have been conflicting reports regarding what Summer’s parents told police about the circumstances of her disappearance — which a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokesperson said are still unclear — but the audio shows that Summer’s mother reportedly said she had gone for a walk before coming home to discover her daughter missing.

Broadcastify published transcription of the audio:


“You be in route to 110 one-one-zero Ben Hill Road off of Beech Creek it will the first residence on your right, in reference to a missing 4-year old. The parents have called in … advised that the mother had went for a walk, came home and now they can’t find her, they have been yelling for her, she has been gone for about ten minutes now.”

As the report notes, initial dispatch appears to have had the incorrect age for Summer, who is 5, not four years old.


As CrimeOnline previously reported, Summer’s father Don Wells has said that he believes someone abducted his daughter and traveled out of the area with her in a vehicle. It is not known why he believes this. Authorities have been searching a wide area that is nonetheless local to Summer’s Hawkins County home.

According to WHJL, Hawkins County Emergency Communications District refused to release 911 calls connected to Summer Wells’ disappearance, citing the ongoing investigation.

Anyone with possible information is urged to call the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office at 423-272-7121 or the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 800-TBI-FIND.


Read all of CrimeOnline’s covering of the search for Summer Wells here.

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