Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: ALLIGATOR ATTACK UNLIKELY, Gorgeous Paola Maria Miranda Rosa Last Seen in Swamp Reserve

A Florida woman spends the day with her family, letting them know she has planned a trip to Wekiwa Springs State Park the next day. Paola Marie Maranda-Rosa is seen in the park. That’s been over three weeks now. Other hikers took pictures and videos of the 31-year-old Orlando woman in the water. Her car and cell phone were found, but not Paola.

Joining Nancy Grace today;

Dale Carson – Criminal Defense Attorney (Jacksonville), Former FBI Agent, Former Police Officer, Author: “Arrest-Proof Yourself”
Caryn Stark – NYC Psychologist; Twitter: @carynpsych, Facebook: “Caryn Stark”
Lisa M. Dadio – Former Police Lieutenant, New Haven Police Department; Senior Lecturer & Director of the Center for Advanced Policing University of New Haven’s Forensic Science Department
Nicole Partin – CrimeOnline Investigative Reporter; Twitter: @nicolepartin

Special Guest

  • “Turtleman” Chris Adams – Swamp Survival Expert; Facebook: Living Wild, TikTok @GAturtleman

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Paola Marie Maranda-Rosa/Handout]