Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: Depraved Perp Bludgeons Sleeping Beauty Dead, Leaves Hammer in Head, Set to Walk Free


Nicole Sinkule, 25, slept while her boyfriend plotted to kill her. Eric Marum hit her with a claw hammer more than a dozen times. Marum pled guilty and received a sentence of 16 years to life in prison. In November, two members of the California Board of Parole granted him a recommendation for parole.

One member voted against parole. Now Nicole’s parents are asking Governor Gavin Newsom to deny the recommendation. Newsom has three options. If he takes no action, Marum will be released. If Newson reverses the decision, Marcum will receive another hearing in 18 months.

The last option is to refer the decision back to the board for the members to modify their decision. Meanwhile, the Sinkule family started a petition, hoping to get the parole recommendation reversed.


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

Dr. Shari Schwartz – Forensic Psychologist, Mitigation Expert, Trial Consultant; Author: “Criminal Behavior” and “Where Law and Psychology Intersect”
Katherine Maloney
Katherine Maloney, M.D. – Deputy Chief Medical Examiner, Erie County Medical Examiners Office (Buffalo NY)
Sergeant Keli Garcia – Oceanside Police Department; Instagram: @OceansidePD, Twitter: @OceansidePD
John Cross – Supervising Deputy District Attorney – Lifer Hearing Unit Office
Samantha Lomibao – Reporter, KESQ News 3

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Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.


[Feature Photo: Handout]