Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: Pharmacist-Bride Bludgeoned Dead on Fairytale Honeymoon

A honeymoon quarrel leads to the brutal death of a Tennessee woman. Christe Chen and husband Bradley Robert Dawson waited five months after their February wedding to take a fairytale honeymoon to Fiji.

Just two days into their trip, Dawson reportedly beat his pharmacist wife after a drunken argument.

Chen’s body was found by a housekeeper at Turtle Island Resort after the couple didn’t show up for breakfast or morning activities they had signed up for. Dawson was arrested two days later.


Dawson fled from Turtle Island on a kayak to a neighboring island. Dawson said he wanted to give his wife some space. Police say he was trying to leave the island to catch a plane from another location. Dawson’s wallet and passport were missing from his room.

Dawson is set to be back in court on September 1.

TIPLINEThe National Domestic Violence Hotline  800-799-SAFE or 800-799-7233


Joining Nancy Grace Today:

Gary Davidson – Partner, Diaz Reus International Law Firm & Alliance; Twitter: @DRT_Alliance, Instagram: diazreustarg
Dr. Bethany Marshall – Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills, New Netflix show: ‘Bling Empire’
John Guard – Chief Deputy – Pitt County Sheriff’s Office (Greenville, NC): Specializes in Investigating Domestic Violence Cases
Charlie Lankston – FeMail Reporter, DailyMail; Twitter/Instagram:@charlielanks

Additional Guest

  • Karl E. Williams, MD, MPH – Chief Medical Examiner, Allegheny County (Pittsburgh, PA), 40+ years: Forensic Pathologist

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.


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