[Crime Stories with Nancy Grace] IDAHO STUDENT MURDERS: SUSPECT EXTRADITED, Eerie Details Emerge

Bryan Kohberger, the suspect in the murders of four University of Idaho students,  waived extradition from his home state of Pennsylvania. The 28-year-old will now be transported within the next ten days back to Idaho to face murder charges.

Kohberger answered “no” when asked by the judge if he had any mental health issues that would get in the way of his responding during the extradition hearing and then signed the waiver.

Kohberger’s mother, father, and sisters were present in court, supporting Kohberger. His mother and sisters openly cried. As Kohberger was taken from court, he mouthed “I love you” to his family.


Joining Nancy Grace today:

Dale Carson – High Profile Attorney (Jacksonville); Former FBI Agent; Former Police Officer (Miami-Dade County); Author: “Arrest-Proof Yourself”
Caryn Stark – NYC Psychologist; Twitter: @carynpsych, Facebook: “Caryn Stark”
Joe Scott Morgan
JoScott Morgan – Professor of Forensics: Jacksonville State University; Author, “Blood Beneath My Feet” & Host: “Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan
Sheryl McCollum – Forensic Expert, Founder: Cold Case Investigative Research Institute in Atlanta, GA; Twitter: @ColdCaseTips; Host of new podcast: “Zone 7”
CeCe Moore – Chief Genetic Genealogist, Parabon NanoLabs, Inc.; Facebook.com/CeCeMooreDNA, Twitter: @CeCeLMoore, Instagram: @CeCeMooreDNA
Chris McDonough – Director at the Cold Case Foundation; Former Homicide Detective; Worked over 300 Homicides in his 25-year career; Host of YouTube channel, “The Interview Room”
Dave Mack – Crime Online Investigative Reporter; Host of “The Mark and Mack Show,” LifeRadio.FM

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show on SiriusXM channel 111, airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves (left)Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle;/Instagram]