[Crime Stories with Nancy Grace] “HEARTTHROB PRIEST” Flees to Italy w/ Teen Girl he “GROOMED”

An investigation is underway related to former priest Alex Crow. The 30-year-old and an 18-year-old girl fled to Italy were they are reportedly staying in an Airbnb with no intention of returning to the U.S.  The girl’s parents have pleaded with her to return, but the girl insists she is fine. She says she and Cross have separate rooms.

Alabama police say they are probing allegations that Crow may have groomed the teen,  while she was still in high school.  A love letter from Crow to the teen on Valentine’s Day of this year was found.  Sheriff Burch said it is possible that more female students are involved. Church officials allegedly ordered the priest not to have contact with another female student who is a friend of the 18-year-old teen.

Joining Nancy Grace Today:

  • Greg Ahlgren – International Attorney-at-Law at the US-MX Law Group, Ltd. & DRT Alliance/Diaz Reus International Law firm, www.us-mx-law.com, diazreus.com
  • Dr. John Delatorre [D La Torrey], licensed psychologist and mediator, specializing in forensic psychology, psychological consultant to Project Absentis: a nonprofit organization that searches for missing persons, resolutionfcs.com, Twitter, IG, and TikTok – @drjohndelatorre
  • Sheriff Paul Burch- Mobile Alabama sheriff, www.mobileso.com, Facebook: Team Sheriff, IG: teamsheriff
  • Irv Brandt – Senior Inspector, US Marshals Service International Investigations Branch, Chief Inspector, DOJ Office of International Affairs; Author: “SOLO SHOT: CURSE OF THE BLUE STONE” available on Amazon, Also “FLYING SOLO: Top of the World” Twitter: @JackSoloAuthor
  • Rev. Dr. Bob Larson – Founder of Spiritual Freedom Churches International, Author: Book of Religiouns, Cults and New Age Spirtuality”, BobLarson.org, Twitter: BLarsonexorcist, Facebook: BobLarsonTheRealExorcist
  • Anna Sonoda – Child grooming expert, Licensed clinical social worker, – Author, “Duck Duck Groom: Understanding How a Child Becomes a Target”, AnnaSonoda.com
  • Kyle Hamrick – Reporter for Lagniappe News in Mobile, Alabama,  www.lagniappemobile.com,Twitter @LagniappeMobile, Facebook @LagniappeMobile