[Body Bags] Buried Truths: The Warlocks, a Cemetery, and a Case Unsolved

Keith Palumbo and David Rossillo Jr. meet a grim fate in a double homicide; their bodies are discovered concealed inside a crypt within the eerie, abandoned Mount Moriah Cemetery.

Unraveling the complexities of this chilling case, Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack explore the labyrinthine investigation that led authorities to the hidden burial site, thanks to a tip about Keith’s disappearance and the involvement of a woman with close ties to both the Warlocks Motorcycle Club in Philadelphia and the cemetery.

The episode delves into the forensic intricacies—from gunshot residue on decomposing bodies to the challenges of DNA matching—and uncovers the lengths criminals will go to hide their heinous acts. It also touches on the human stories behind the headlines, offering a gripping journey through the dark corners of crime and justice.

[Feature Photo via Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office]