
Accused Killer Murders In-laws & Sister After Serving Them Deadly Mushrooms in Beef Wellington Lunch: Police

An Australian woman is facing murder charges after police say three people after eating food she cooked for a July luncheon.

According to CBN, police arrested 49-year-old Erin Patterson Thursday morning and charged her with three counts of murder in connection with the deaths of her in-laws, Gail and Don Patterson, both 70, and her sister, Heather Wilkinson, 66.

Police said the incident happened on July 29 at the defendant’s home in Leongatha, Victoria, after she invited them to lunch. Patterson’s husband, Ian, became ill after the lunch but survived after months of hospital treatment. She’s been charged with attempted murder for his illness.

She’s also facing attempted murder charges in connection with her former husband, Simon, who became ill several times after eating meals she cooked in 2021 and 2022. Patterson allegedly invited Simon over for the July luncheon but he canceled at the last minute.

Patterson is accused of serving the guests a beef Wellington steak dish with Amanita phalloides, also “known as death cap mushrooms,” Seattle Times reports.

Patterson allegedly claimed that she bought fresh mushrooms at a supermarket, along with dried mushrooms she claimed she purchased at an Asian store in Melbourne.

She then reportedly told police that she was “devastated to think that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness suffered by my loved ones.”

The Guardian reports that a detective on the case, Inspector Dean Thomas, stated that the case has been difficult and complex.

“Over the last three months, this investigation has been subjected to incredibly intense levels of public scrutiny and curiosity. I cannot think of another investigation that has generated this level of media and public interest, not only here in Victoria but also nationally and internationally,” he said.

“I think it is particularly important that we keep in mind that at the heart of this, three people have lost their lives. These are three people who by all accounts were much beloved in their communities and are greatly missed by their loved ones.”

The investigation is ongoing. Check back for updates.

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[Featured Photo: Pixabay]