Casey Anthony’s Dad Gets Emotional During Polygraph Test in Explosive On-Air Special

Renowned journalist and “The Proof Is Out There” host Tony Harris spent several days with George and Cindy Anthony, leaving a somber impression of what life is like for the couple, following the death of their granddaughter and the high-profile murder case of their daughter.

A two-hour special on the case, airing on both A&E and Lifetime, delves into the 2008 death of 3-year-old Caylee Anthony and the subsequent actions of her mother, Casey Anthony, who was touted the “one of the most hated women in America,” after Caylee was found buried in Orlando.

Caylee’s remains were found on December 11, 2008, near grandparents George and Cindy’s house, with duct tape around her skull and mouth. A medical examiner later ruled her death as “homicide by undetermined means.”

Casey Anthony was subsequently arrested and charged in connection with her daughter’s death. In 2011, a jury acquitted her of murder. Accusations against George followed, with Casey claiming that her father sexually abused her and likely sexually abused Caylee and disposed of her body as a cover-up.


Haris tells CrimeOnline that he knew going into the case that both he and the Anthony couple would have to get to some “really, really tough stuff,” after the pair agreed to take polygraphs on-air and in real-time.

George and Cindy Anthony with Tony Harris/©️2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC photo: Mary Beth Koeth

Harris decided to spend four days with George and Cindy Anthony, who still live in the same Orlando home that once became the centerpiece for near-riots and boisterous crowds that stood in front of the residence, demanding justice for Caylee.

“If I could paint the scene a little bit, the home is kind of, um, a monument, a museum, whatever you’d wanna call it, to their family,” Harris explained. “It is in essence, a memorial and a monument and a museum to, Casey, to Caylee, to Lee [Casey Anthony’s brother]. But it’s, it’s also, it’s also very sad because you quickly begin to feel claustrophobic.”


From the moment you walk in, you feel the presence of the family members. You feel Caylee’s presence, and you feel, the great sadness of knowing that this is a family that’s been shattered and broken and torn of thunder. – Harris

Further, the accusations thrown at George have left him struggling to clear his name while still grappling with the aftermath of his daughter’s notoriety, Caylee’s death, and a nearly fatal car accident.

“He has been put through it. You know, he goes through a trial where he’s essentially accused of sexual harassment and sexual abuse and abusing his daughter,” Harris added.


To put the rumors to rest, retired FBI agent George Olivo administered the polygraph test to George, with questions regarding sexual abuse, physical abuse, infidelity, and whether he “knowingly” concealed Caylee’s whereabouts.

George encountered difficulty responding to at least one of the questions, as revealed in a preview released by A&E.

“When he was struggling, the struggle was real and evident,” Harris explained. “This is a man who is, you know, kind of cracking a bit under the pressure and the stress of the moment that he wanted.


“It’s a ‘be careful what you ask for’ kind of situation, but he wanted it. And then the reality of what that exam elicits hits you; you can’t control the emotions. It can take you to some really dark places. And I think that that question just was a trigger for him that took him to some dark places.”

Casey Anthony’s Parents: The Lie Detector Test” will be simulcast on A&E and Lifetime on Thursday, January 4 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

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[Feature Photo: Caylee and Casey Anthony/Handout]