SEE IT: Florida Man Jerry Odum Seen Calm & Collected After Beating Fiancée Dead with Baseball Bat

Disturbing video footage has been unveiled, capturing the moment a Florida man admitted to fatally beating his fiancée, citing financial constraints preventing them from affording their wedding.

As CrimeOnline previously reported, Jerry Geisler Odum, 64, was sentenced to life in prison in 2021, for the the murder of Vickie Edge, 59, of Okaloosa County, Florida. The pair had plans to marry a few months before Edge’s August 2020 death.

Bodycam footage obtained by Law&Crime shows Odum being interrogated following Edge’s death, as he calmly explained that he beat her with a bat because he couldn’t afford the lifestyle he thought she wanted.

Jerry Geisler Odum [Police Handout]
Odum led Edge to believe that he was wealthy and planned to buy her home and boats, although he didn’t have the means to follow through with his promises.

According to court documents, Odum told investigators that he provided Edge a $15,000 check to plan their wedding shortly before the attack. He knew the check would bounce and instead of risking her leaving him, Odum murdered her in their Milton home.

“I didn’t know how to get out of it,” Odum said calmly. “One thing led to another.”


“She started to scream and I put a chokehold on her until she went to the ground and I choked her after that.”

Warning: Video Contains Graphic Content

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[Feature Photo: Vicky Edge/Facebook]