Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: Families Say Panera Bread Lemonade Can Cause Death After Daughter’s Heart Injury

Lauren Skerritt, 28, is a fantastic physical shape due to being an athlete and obstacle course racer.

The Rhode Islander stops by a Greenville Panera Bread and drinks two and a half servings of Panera Bread’s “Charged Lemonade.” The next day, Skerritt is rushed to the Emergency room suffering from an irregular heartbeat.  Skerritt is shocked when doctors diagnose her with a heart condition that can lead to stroke and other complications known as atrial fibrillation.

Skerrit says her heart problem was caused by the popular beverage from Panera Bread that contains as much caffeine as three cans of Red Bull, according to a lawsuit. Skerrit’s lawsuit is not the first, two other suits have already been filed against the restaurant chain over its “charged lemonade.”


Panera has said the previous two lawsuits were “equally without merit.”

This lawsuit claims Skerritt continues to experience supraventricular tachycardia with associated shortness of breath, palpitations, brain fog, difficulty thinking and concentrating, body shakes, and weakness.

Joining Nancy Grace Today:

Dale Carson – Criminal Defense Attorney (Jacksonville), Former FBI Agent, Former Police Officer, Author: “Arrest-Proof Yourself;” X: @DaleCarsonLaw
Caryn L. Stark – Psychologist, Renowned TV and Radio Trauma Expert and Consultant; Instagram: carynpsych/FB: Caryn Stark Private Practice
Dorian Bond – Private Detective and Owner of Bond Investigations Inc. in Dallas, TX.(largest African American-owned private investigative firm in the United States); X @bondinvestigate
Dr. Harvey Castro– Board-certified Emergency Care Physician & Healthcare Consultant, CEO of ChatGPT and Healthcare; Author: “Revolutionize your health & fitness with ChatGPT’s modern weight loss hacks;” X: @HarveycastroMD
Ben Kesslen – Reporter at The Messenger; X: @benkesslen

“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show on SiriusXM channel 111, airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Lauren Skerritt/Handout via NBC News]