Evil Has A Tattoo Face: The Death of Two Women

BODY Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan

Wade Wilson, not the superhero better known as “Deadpool,” but Wade Wilson, Tattoo Face Killer.

If Wilson has a favorite song, it is probably “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash for the line “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.”

For Tattoo Face Wade Wilson, using a gun to kill someone is too impersonal. In this episode of Body Bags, Joseph Scott Morgan will explain just how personal it is to strangle the life out of someone with bare hands, and Dave Mack will go behind the tattoos and headlines to find out more about the victims of the vile creature capable of killing two women in a matter of hours, just because he can.

Florida Man With Garishly Tattooed Face Found Guilty of Murdering 2 Women ‘For the Sake of Killing’

Assistant State Attorney Andreas Gardiner in closing argument in murder trial of Wade Wilson, “This case was about killing for the sake of killing. Strangulation is the epitome of life slipping through someone’s hands.”

[Feature Photo: WINK screenshot/Wade Wilson]