CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace

Ronald Cummings leaves his two children in the care of his live-in girlfriend while he works into the early morning hours.

Arriving home just after 3 AM, Misty Croslin tells him she awoke to use the restroom and can’t find Haleigh, 5, anywhere in the house. Croslin points to a backdoor propped open with a brick and tells Ronald the back door was shut and locked when they went to bed.

Ronald Cummings tells Misty Croslin to call 911.  She tells 911 dispatch when she awoke around 3 am to go to the bathroom, she realizes Haleigh is gone and the back door of the trailer is open, and a brick is placed to keep the door propped open. Haleigh is described as a curly headed girl between 40 and 60 pounds wearing pajamas. The dispatcher instructs Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings not to touch the back door anymore, as K9s are on the way to see if they can pick up Haleigh’s scent.

Investigators begin interviewing Misty Croslin as a search team begins looking around the trailer and surrounding areas, including a nearby pond. Ronald Cummings is at work when Haleigh disappears, and he is quickly eliminated as a suspect, but his live-in girlfriend, 17-year-old Misty Croslin, claims she is sleeping in the same room with Haleigh and her little brother when the girl disappears.

Investigators believe Misty Croslin is not giving them the full story.


Dr. Shari Schwartz – Forensic Psychologist, Mitigation Expert, Trial Consultant
Dave Mack – Crime Online Investigative Reporter

Additional Guests

  • John Merchant – Former Lead Detective in Haleigh Cummings Case
  • Ron Cummings – Father
  • Terry Shoemaker – Lawyer for Ron Cummings
  • Robert Hardwick – St. Johns County Sheriff, Former Assistant Chief Investigator for State Attorney Office that investigated Haleigh Cummings case

“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” is also a national radio show on SiriusXM channel 111, airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Haleigh Cummings/Handout]