Pennsy Man Kicked Out of Pub for Fighting, Opens Fire from Pickup Truck and Kills Mom of 4

A mother of four was shot and killed at a western Pennsylvania pub over the weekend after a man got into a shoving match with another patron, left, and then opened fire on the bar from his pickup truck.

Crystal Wawrzinski, 37, was sitting in a chair close to the front door of The Breakers in Ellport, The New Castle News and KDKA reported.

Nathan Fink, 40, has been charged with one count of homicide and eight counts of attempted homicide and endangering other persons, the New Castle News reported.

State police said Fink was involved in an altercation with other patrons and was asked to leave just before 2 a.m. on Saturday. He did, but opened fire at the pub from his truck with a rifle and a handgun, then continued to fire as he drove along Portersville Road away from the bar. He hit several vehicles and wounded a man in his apartment nearby.

A criminal complaint says that Fink got into an argument with three other people, according to a bartender, and one of those people broke up the fight when Fink and one of their number got into a shoving match, the News said.

Three people inside the bar were wounded, and Wawrzynski was shot in the head. Her husband was one of the wounded.

State police said  they recovered 11 9 mm shell casings and 11 .223 shell casings along with surveillance video that showed Fink leaving the bar and saying he would be back with guns.

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[Featured image: Crystal Wawrzinski/obituary photo and Nathan Fink/Lawrence County jail]