Gamer who eliminated Jacksonville shooter says suspect returned ‘acting strange,’ wearing same clothes from previous day

Gamer who eliminated Jacksonville shooter says suspect returned ‘acting strange,’ wearing same clothes from previous day
URGENT: Manhunt underway for high school coach accused of taking 16-year-old teen girl
Mom facing homicide charges after lacing toddler’s sippy cup with fentanyl, claims she has ‘no clue’ how it happened: Police
Driver shoots at women on road, says only men should drive & females should stick to having ‘male babies’: Cops
Mollie Tibbetts
Mollie Tibbetts
Mollie Tibbetts: Family who hired murder suspect at dairy farm claims he passed government ID check to work in country legally
Mollie Tibbetts: Suspect Cristhian Rivera claims he ‘blacked out’ before killing college student & hiding her under corn stalks, police say
Mollie Tibbetts: Heavy police presence near area where local pig farmer lives
SEE VIDEO: ‘D. C. Prosecutors Won’t Help Me!’ College intern found dead, mother begs for help on Chandra Levy’s case [EXCLUSIVE]