Backyard Grave, Mystery Blood, Sex Dungeon Reveal: More Victims?
CRIME STORIES with Nancy Grace
CRIME STORIES with Nancy Grace
A 12-year-old boy climbs out of a window in a home, running to neighbors begging for food and water. The boy is the son of Ruby Franke, a popular blogger, known for the YouTube channel “8 Passengers.” The home belonged to Franke’s business partner Jodi Hildebrandt. Neighbors called police. Officers said the boy looked emaciated …
CRIME STORIES with Nancy Grace
Brazilian Au Pair, Juliana Peres Magalhaes and her charge leave the Banfields’ Fairfax County, Virginia, home but turn around when Peres Magalhaes realizes she forgot their bagged lunches. Arriving at the house, the au pair sees a car she doesn’t recognize and a man she doesn’t know entering the house. Confused, she calls her employer, …
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME STORIES with Nancy Grace
CRIME Stories with Nancy Grace
CRIME STORIES with Nancy Grace